Heatmap plots over LLM scraped data


In this document we show the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Vision and Large Language Models (LLMs) for data scraping from images and Web pages and we present heatmap plots corresponding to the scraped data.

The LLM utilization and visualization are done in chat-enabled Jupyter notebook with a Raku kernel; “chatbook” for short. See “Jupyter::Chatbook” , [AAp4, AAv3].

The heatmap plots in the Jupyter notebook are done with the package “JavaScript::D3” , [AAp8, AAv1, AAv2]. (Heatmap plots were recently implemented.)

We use data from sites dedicated of tracking Russian and Ukrainian casualties in NATO’s war in Ukraine, (2022-present):

Remark: Note that UALosses is relatively new, hence, it provides too few records of Ukrainian losses. The casualties of Medizona and UALosses should be considered underestimates because of the methodologies they use. (Tracking and verifying online records.) See:

This document is a complement to the document “Extracting Russian casualties in Ukraine data from Mediazona publications” , [AA4], and it uses AI Vision and LLM functionalities described in [AA1-AA3].


Here is an outline of the workflow steps shown below:

  1. Setup (packages and JavaScript plotting)
  2. Get a screenshot of Russian casualties heatmap plot from Mediazona , [MZ1]
  3. Using OpenAI’s AI Vision extract data from the screenshot
  4. Verify and manually adjust the obtained data
  5. Make a heatmap plot
  6. Verify the plotted data
  7. Download page with regional Ukrainian casualties from UALosses , [UAL1]
  8. Use LLM to obtain the tabular data for those casualties
  9. Adjust, translate, or match names of regions (via LLMs)
  10. Make the corresponding heatmap plot
  11. Observations and conclusions


In this section we load the necessary packages and setup chatbook’s environment for Javascript plots.

use JSON::Fast;
use HTTP::Tiny;

use Data::Generators;
use Data::Reshapers;
use Data::Summarizers;

use JavaScript::D3;
%% javascript
     paths: {
     d3: 'https://d3js.org/d3.v7.min'

require(['d3'], function(d3) {

Heatmap screenshot import

Here we get a screenshot image from [AAr1, MZ1] of the Russian casualties and we import it into the chatbook’s session:

#% markdown
my $url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antononcube/SystemModeling/master/Projects/War-modeling/Diagrams/Mediazona-Russian-casualties-choropleth-upto-2024-01-19.png';
my $img = image-import($url);

Remark: The function image-import is from the package “Image::Markup::Utilities” , [AAp5], which is automatically loaded in a notebook session of “Jupyter::Chatbook” , [AAp4].

Data extraction via AI Vision

Here we extract the data from imported screenshot using the function llm-vision-synthesize , [AAp1, AAp2, AA3]:

llm-vision-synthesize("Give row-wise the Russian states and numbers in the squares of the choropleth.", $url, max-tokens => 2000)

The image contains a lot of text and numbers, which appear to be related to Russian casualties in Ukraine, categorized by different Russian states. I'll provide the information row-wise as requested:

First row:
- StPete: 480
- Moscow: 482
- Klng: 470

Second row:
- Murman: 256
- Karel: 295
- Len Obl: 428
- Novgrd: 246
- Vlgda: 413
- Arkngl: 520
- Komi: 414
- Hant-Ma: 407
- Tyumen: 259
- Tomsk: 904
- Kuzbas: 259
- Irkut: 844
- Yakut: 387
- Khabar: 196
- Chukot: 44
- Kmchtk: 126

Third row:
- Pskov: 328
- Tver: 446
- Yarslv: 262
- Ivonvo: 335
- Kstrma: 242
- Mari-El: 296
- Kirov: 476
- Perm: 1019
- Yekat: 1449
- Kurgan: 301
- Novsib: 790
- Khakas: 259
- Buryat: 1117
- Amursk: 192
- Mgadan: 111

Fourth row:
- Smlnsk: 186
- Kaluga: 233
- Msc Obl: 1125
- Vldmr: 358
- Nizhny: 733
- Chuvas: 347
- Tatar: 943
- Udmurt: 521
- Chelya: 1191
- Omsk: 623
- Alt Kr: 679
- Tyva: 486
- Zabayk: 829
- Evr AO: 57
- Primor: 731

Fifth row:
- Brnsk: 535
- Orel: 255
- Tula: 253
- Ryazan: 292
- Mordov: 191
- Ulyan: 451
- Samara: 928
- Bashkr: 1353
- Altai: 172
- Foreign: 243
- N/A: 271

Sixth row:
- Kursk: 407
- Liptsk: 324
- Tambov: 284
- Penza: 291
- Saratv: 853
- Orenbg: 830
- Belgrd: 501
- Vrnezh: 531
- Volggr: 1038

Seventh row:
- Crimea: 407
- Adygea: 117
- Kuban: 1640
- Rostov: 1143
- Kalmyk: 121
- Astrkn: 358
- Sevast: 144

Eighth row:
- Kar-Chr: 99
- Stavro: 904
- Chechn: 234
- Dagstn: 808
- Kab-Bal: 132
- Alania: 401
- Ingush: 57

The bottom of the image also states "At least 42,284 confirmed military deaths from 24 Feb 2022 to 15 Jan 2024." It explains that the timeline shows the number of confirmed casualties within a given time frame and notes that the number is not equal to the number of casualties per day. It also mentions that if the report does not mention the date, the date of its publication, that is, the earliest date we know when the person was confirmed to have been killed, is used. There is a note that Crimea and Sevastopol were annexed by Russia in 2014.

The result we get has the data from the screenshot, but in order to make a heatmap plot we would benefit from a more structured data representation that reflects the Geo-inspired structure of the choropleth.

Here is we prepare and use a more detailed and instructive prompt and combine it with:

my $p = q:to/END/;
The image has boxes arranged in jagged array. 
The full array would have been with 11 rows and 17 columns. 
Give a JSON dictionary of the content of the boxes in the image. 
The keys should be matrix coordinates, the values are two element lists corresponding to the labels inside the boxes.

my $res = llm-vision-synthesize([$p, llm-prompt("NothingElse")("JSON")], $url, max-tokens => 2000, form => sub-parser('JSON'):drop)

[[9,1] => [Alania 401] [3,2] => [Msc Obl 1125] [1,3] => [Vlgda 413] [8,4] => [Dagstn 808] [0,7] => [Chukot 44] [0,1] => [Murm 256] [2,9] => [Kurgan 301] [3,4] => [Nizhny 733] [7,4] => [Kalmyk 121] [5,2] => [Tambov 284] [2,5] => [Mari-El 296] [4,3] => [Ryazan 291] [1,8] => [Tomsk 259] [3,0] => [Smlnsk 186] [3,13] => [Evr AO 57] [2,13] => [Amursk 192] [2,12] => [Buryat 1117] [6,2] => [Volggr 1038] [3,10] => [Alt Kr 679] [2,10] => [Novsib 790] [1,13] => [Skhlin 392] [9,0] => [Kab-Bal 132] [1,2] => [Novgrd 246] [0,9] => [Mgdan 111] [8,1] => [Kar-Chr 99] [4,5] => [Ulyan 451] [0,3] => [Karel 295] [1,9] => [Kuzbas 904] [2,3] => [Ivnovo 335] [7,0] => [Crimea 407] [0,5] => [Yamal 141] [4,0] => [Brnsk 535] [1,0] => [Klngrd 470] [5,0] => [Kursk 407] [3,1] => [Kaluga 233] [4,7] => [Bashkr 1353] [1,4] => [Arkngl 520] [2,0] => [Pskov 328] [5,5] => [Orenbg 830] [1,10] => [Irkut 844] [4,2] => [Tula 253] [8,3] => [Chechn 234] [2,7] => [Perm 1019] [4,8] => [Altai 172] [5,1] => [Lipstk 324] [3,7] => [Udmurt 521] [1,1] => [Len Obl 428] [5,4] => [Sarat 853] [10,1] => [N/A 271] [1,5] => [Komi 428] [1,7] => [Tyumen 407] [3,11] => [Tyva 486] [7,2] => [Kuban 1640] [4,6] => [Samara 928] [4,1] => [Orel 255] [2,6] => [Kirov 476] [0,8] => [Kmcht 126] [2,1] => [Tver 446] [2,8] => [Yekat 1449] [7,3] => [Rostov 1143] [8,2] => [Stavro 904] [8,0] => [Sevast 144] [2,4] => [Kstrma 242] [1,11] => [Yakut 387] [3,14] => [Primor 731] [0,2] => [Moscow 482] [0,0] => [StPete 480] [3,5] => [Chuvas 347] [0,6] => [Krsyar 875] [7,1] => [Adygea 117] [2,11] => [Khakas 259] [1,12] => [Khabar 196] [3,8] => [Chelya 1191] [4,4] => [Mordov 192] [6,0] => [Belgrd 501] [1,6] => [Hant-Ma 414] [9,2] => [Ingush 57] [3,6] => [Tatar 943] [2,2] => [Yarslv 262] [7,5] => [Astrkn 358] [0,4] => [Nenets 44] [10,0] => [Foreign 243] [3,12] => [Zabayk 829] [3,9] => [Omsk 623] [6,1] => [Vrnezh 531] [3,3] => [Vldmr 358] [5,3] => [Penza 291]]

Remark: Again, the packages “LLM::Prompts”, “Text::SubParsers” are automatically loaded in a chatbook session.

In order to explore the obtained data further we inform ourselves about its structure:


Vector(Pair(Atom((Str)), Vector(Atom((Str)), 2)), 87)

Remark: The function deduce-type is from the package “Data::TypeSystem” , [AAp7], which is automatically loaded in a chatbook session. “Data::TypeSystem” is used other data-transformation packages, and, in “JavaScript::D3”, [AAp8], used for the heatmaps below.

From the deduced type result we see that the structure corresponds to what we specified in the prompt — a list of pairs.
But the JSON conversion from the sub-parser gives:

  • Keys that are not two-element lists of coodinates, but (corresponding) strings
  • Values that are lists of two strings (instead of a string and a number)

Here the data above is transformed into a dataset (a list of hash-maps):

my @ds3D = $res.map({ <y x z label>.Array Z=> [ |from-json($_.key), $_.value[1].Int, $_.value ].flat })>>.Hash;
say dimensions(@ds3D);
say deduce-type(@ds3D);

(87 4)
Vector(Struct([label, x, y, z], [Array, Int, Int, Int]), 87)

Using that dataset we can overview the extracted data in the corresponding choropleth (or heatmap plot):

js-d3-heatmap-plot(@ds3D, width => 1200, plot-labels-font-size =>10)

We can see that the vertical orientation is inverted. We got matrix coordinates, i.e. row indexes are ordered top-bottom.
We are given heatmap plot bottom-top.

Manual data adjustment

In this section we adjust extracted data in order to produce a heatmap that corresponds to that of Midiazona.
We also, opportunistically, verify the data results. (Correct AI Vision recognition of text and numbers should be both trusted and verified.)

Here is the manual adjustment of the data (placed into a new data structure):

my %locCas = (
   (1, 1) => ["StPete", 480], (1, 4) => ["Murman", 256], (1, 16) => ["Chukot", 44], (1, 17) => ["Kmchtk", 126],
   (2, 1) => ["Moscow", 482], (2, 3) => ["Karel", 295], (2, 8) => ["Nenets", 44], (2, 9) => ["Yamal", 141], (2, 12) => ["Krsyar", 875], (2, 16) => ["Mgadan", 111],
   (3, 2) => ["Len Obl", 428], (3, 3) => ["Novgrd", 246], (3, 4) => ["Vlgda", 413], (3, 8) => ["Arkngl", 520], (3, 9) => ["Komi", 428], (3, 10) => ["Hant-Ma", 414], (3, 11) => ["Tyumen", 407], (3, 12) => ["Tomsk", 259], (3, 13) => ["Kuzbas", 904], (3, 14) => ["Irkut", 844],
   (3, 15) => ["Yakut", 387], (3, 16) => ["Khabar", 196], (3, 17) => ["Skhlin", 392],
   (4, 1) => ["Klngd", 470], (4, 2) => ["Pskov", 328], (4, 3) => ["Tver", 446], (4, 4) => ["Yarslv", 262], (4, 5) => ["Ivnovo", 335], (4, 6) => ["Kstrma", 242], (4, 7) => ["Mari-El", 296], (4, 8) => ["Kirov", 476], (4, 9) => ["Perm", 1019], (4, 10) => ["Yekat", 1449], (4, 11) => ["Kurgan", 301], (4, 12) => ["Novsib", 790], (4, 13) => ["Khakas", 259],
   (4, 14) => ["Buryat", 1117], (4, 15) => ["Amursk", 192],
   (5, 2) => ["Smlnsk", 186], (5, 3) => ["Kaluga", 233], (5, 4) => ["Msc Obl", 1125], (5, 5) => ["Vldmr", 358], (5, 6) => ["Nzhny", 733], (5, 7) => ["Chuvas", 347], (5, 8) => ["Tatar", 943], (5, 9) => ["Udmurt", 521], (5, 10) => ["Chelya", 1191], (5, 11) => ["Omsk", 623], (5, 12) => ["Alt Kr", 679],
   (5, 13) => ["Tyva", 486], (5, 14) => ["Zabayk", 829], (5, 15) => ["Ev AO", 57], (5, 16) => ["Primor", 731],
   (6, 2) => ["Brnsk", 535], (6, 3) => ["Orel", 255], (6, 4) => ["Tula", 253], (6, 5) => ["Ryazan", 291], (6, 6) => ["Mordov", 192], (6, 7) => ["Ulyan", 451],
   (6, 8) => ["Samara", 928], (6, 9) => ["Bashkr", 1353], (6, 12) => ["Altai", 172],
   (7, 3) => ["Kursk", 407], (7, 4) => ["Liptsk", 324], (7, 5) => ["Tambov", 284], (7, 6) => ["Penza", 291], (7, 7) => ["Saratv", 853], (7, 8) => ["Orenbg", 830],
   (8, 4) => ["Belgrd", 501], (8, 5) => ["Vrnzeh", 531], (8, 6) => ["Volggr", 1038],
   (9, 1) => ["Crimea", 407], (9, 3) => ["Adygea", 117], (9, 4) => ["Kuban", 1640], (9, 5) => ["Rostov", 1143], (9, 6) => ["Kalmyk", 121], (9, 7) => ["Astrkn", 358],
   (10, 1) => ["Sevast", 144], (10, 4) => ["Kar-Chr", 99], (10, 5) => ["Stavro", 904], (10, 6) => ["Chechn", 234], (10, 7) => ["Dagstn", 808],
   (11, 4) => ["Kab-Bal", 132], (11, 5) => ["Alania", 401], (11, 6) => ["Ingush", 57],
   (10, 16) => ["Foreign", 243], (10, 17) => ["N/A", 271]

say "No of records    : {%locCas.elems}";
say "Total casualties : {%locCas.values.map(*[1]).sum}";
say deduce-type(%locCas);

No of records    : 87
Total casualties : 42284
Assoc(Atom((Str)), Tuple([Atom((Str)), Atom((Int))]), 87)

Remark: The total number of casualties from the data structure is the same as in the screenshot from Mediazona above.

Heatmap plot

Here we transform the data into a dataset and show the data type:

my @ds3D = %locCas.map({ <y x z label>.Array Z=> [ |$_.key.split(/\h/)>>.Int, $_.value[1], $_.value ].flat })>>.Hash;
say @ds3D.elems;
say deduce-type(@ds3D);

Vector(Struct([label, x, y, z], [Array, Int, Int, Int]), 87)

Here is the corresponding summary:

sink records-summary(select-columns(@ds3D, <x y z>))

| z                    | y                  | x                  |
| Min    => 44         | Min    => 1        | Min    => 1        |
| 1st-Qu => 246        | 1st-Qu => 3        | 1st-Qu => 4        |
| Mean   => 486.022989 | Mean   => 5.367816 | Mean   => 7.781609 |
| Median => 401        | Median => 5        | Median => 7        |
| 3rd-Qu => 731        | 3rd-Qu => 7        | 3rd-Qu => 12       |
| Max    => 1640       | Max    => 11       | Max    => 17       |

Here we transform the dataset to have:

  • Two-row labels
  • Separation gap for “odd” regions (Moscow, Crimea, etc.)
  • Casualty values that are suitably rescaled for more informative visualization
my @ds3D2 = @ds3D>>.clone.map({ $_<z> = sqrt($_<z>); $_<x> = $_<x> > 1 ?? $_<x> + 1 !! $_<x> ; $_<y> = 12 - $_<y>; $_<label> = "<tspan>{$_<label>.head}</tspan><tspan dx='-{$_<label>.head.chars/2}em', dy='1em'>{$_<label>.tail}</tspan>"; $_ });


Here is the heatmap plot:

js-d3-heatmap-plot(@ds3D2, width => 1100, height => 800,
    x-tick-labels => (1..18),
    plot-labels-font-size => 13,
    plot-labels-color => 'white', 
    color-palette => 'Reds', 
    background => "#282828", 
    tick-labels-font-size => 0,
    low-value => 0,
    high-value => sqrt(1800),
    mesh => 0.01

Additional verifications

We can use LLMs do to some additional verification of the data.
For example, we asks about certain summary statistics over Russia that might increase our confidence in the extracted data.

#% chat, temperature=0.2, model=gpt-4
What are types of the administrative divisions of Russia? 
Answer concisely, only the types and the integer count of the corresponding entities per type.

The administrative divisions of Russia include the following types and their corresponding integer count:

1. Federal subjects: 85
2. Autonomous okrugs: 4
3. Autonomous oblast: 1
4. Federal cities: 3
5. Republics: 22
6. Krais: 9
7. Oblasts: 46

Scrape Ukrainian losses

Here we import the web page of regional Ukrainian losses from “UALosses” , [UAL1]:

my $response = HTTP::Tiny.new.get( 'https://ualosses.org/regions/' );
my $htmlRes = $response<content>.decode;
say $htmlRes.chars;


Here we show the table of from the imported page (by HTML applying a regex over its HTML code):

my $htmlTable = do with $htmlRes ~~ / '<table>' (.*) '</table>' / { $/.Str }

## For brevity the output is skipped -- see the table below.

The easiest way — and, maybe, the most reliable way — to transform that HTML table into a Raku data structure is to use an LLM with a specially crafted prompt.

Here is such an LLM invocation:

  • Uses the HTML table obtained above
  • Says that only JSON and nothing else should be returned
  • Post-process the result with a JSON sub-parser
my $uaRes = llm-synthesize([
    "Convert the HTML table into a Raku list of hashmaps. The values of 'Death Count' and 'Population (2022)' are integers.", 
    e => llm-configuration('chatgpt', model => 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613', max-tokens => 2000), 
    form => sub-parser('JSON'):drop

say deduce-type($uaRes);

Vector(Struct([Average age at death, Death Count, Death Count per Capita, Name, Population (2022)], [Str, Int, Str, Str, Int]), 25)

Here we display the obtained data structure as an HTML table:

#% html
my @dsUALosses = |$uaRes;  
@dsUALosses ==> data-translation(field-names=>('Name', 'Population (2022)', 'Death Count', 'Death Count per Capita', 'Average age at death'))

NamePopulation (2022)Death CountDeath Count per CapitaAverage age at death
Kirovohrad Oblast90371219752.185 per 100037.5 years
Zhytomyr Oblast117903223782.017 per 100036.4 years
Vinnytsia Oblast150951528711.902 per 100037.7 years
Volyn Oblast102135616971.662 per 100036.8 years
Rivne Oblast114178418901.655 per 100037.6 years
Chernihiv Oblast95931515851.652 per 100037.1 years
Khmelnytskyi Oblast122882919211.563 per 100036.4 years
Sumy Oblast103577215541.500 per 100037.4 years
Kyiv Oblast179507926431.472 per 100037.7 years
Cherkasy Oblast116074416711.440 per 100038.1 years
Poltava Oblast135228318911.398 per 100037.5 years
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast309648539301.269 per 100037.1 years
Mykolaiv Oblast109182112691.162 per 100036.1 years
Chernivtsi Oblast89045710331.160 per 100037.7 years
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast135182215641.157 per 100038.0 years
Lviv Oblast247813328651.156 per 100037.5 years
Ternopil Oblast102171311231.099 per 100037.8 years
Odesa Oblast235139218310.779 per 100036.1 years
Kharkiv Oblast259896118070.695 per 100036.3 years
Zakarpattia Oblast12444768420.677 per 100037.1 years
Kherson Oblast10015985700.569 per 100035.4 years
Zaporizhzhia Oblast16384627920.483 per 100036.1 years
Kyiv29523019770.331 per 100037.8 years
Donetsk Oblast40593729770.241 per 100036.0 years
Luhansk Oblast21029213830.182 per 100034.8 years

The function data-translation is from the package “Data::Translators” , which is automatically loaded in a chatbook session.

Here is a verification sum:

@dsUALosses.map( *{"Death Count"} ).sum


Here we make a dictionary of region (“oblast”) name to casualties:

my %uaOblastCas = @dsUALosses.map({ $_<Name> => $_{"Death Count"} })

{Cherkasy Oblast => 1671, Chernihiv Oblast => 1585, Chernivtsi Oblast => 1033, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast => 3930, Donetsk Oblast => 977, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast => 1564, Kharkiv Oblast => 1807, Kherson Oblast => 570, Khmelnytskyi Oblast => 1921, Kirovohrad Oblast => 1975, Kyiv => 977, Kyiv Oblast => 2643, Luhansk Oblast => 383, Lviv Oblast => 2865, Mykolaiv Oblast => 1269, Odesa Oblast => 1831, Poltava Oblast => 1891, Rivne Oblast => 1890, Sumy Oblast => 1554, Ternopil Oblast => 1123, Vinnytsia Oblast => 2871, Volyn Oblast => 1697, Zakarpattia Oblast => 842, Zaporizhzhia Oblast => 792, Zhytomyr Oblast => 2378}

Heatmap Ukraine casualties

Here we prepare choropleth stencil for the Ukrainian losses:

my %uaLoc = (
    (1, 1) => "Volyn", (1, 2) => "Rivne", (1, 5) => "Chernigov", (1, 6) => "Sumy",
    (2, 3) => "Zhitomir", (2, 4) => "Kyiv", (2, 4) => "Kyyivska",

    (3, 1) => "Lviv", (3, 2) => "Ternopil", (3, 3) => "Khmelnytskyi", (3, 5) => "Cherkask", (3, 6) => "Poltava", (3, 7) => "Kharkiv",
    (4, 1) => "Ivano-Frankivsk", (4, 3) => "Vinnica", (4, 8) => "Luhansk",
    (5, 1) => "Zakarpattia", (5, 2) => "Chernivtsi", (5, 5) => "Kirovohrad", (5, 6) => "Dnipropetrovsk", (5, 7) => "Donetsk",
    (6, 5) => "Mykolayivsk", (6, 6) => "Zaporizhzhia",

    (7, 4) => "Odesa", (7, 6) => "Kherson"

{1 1 => Volyn, 1 2 => Rivne, 1 5 => Chernigov, 1 6 => Sumy, 2 3 => Zhitomir, 2 4 => Kyyivska, 3 1 => Lviv, 3 2 => Ternopil, 3 3 => Khmelnytskyi, 3 5 => Cherkask, 3 6 => Poltava, 3 7 => Kharkiv, 4 1 => Ivano-Frankivsk, 4 3 => Vinnica, 4 8 => Luhansk, 5 1 => Zakarpattia, 5 2 => Chernivtsi, 5 5 => Kirovohrad, 5 6 => Dnipropetrovsk, 5 7 => Donetsk, 6 5 => Mykolayivsk, 6 6 => Zaporizhzhia, 7 4 => Odesa, 7 6 => Kherson}

Since the stencil was prepared using a Geo-data source different from ualosses.org ,
here we formulate and execute an LLM request to make a dictionary that matches the administrative division names
from the casualties table and stencil:

my %uaOblastNames = llm-synthesize([
    "Match the values of the list:\n {to-json(%uaLoc.values)} \n with the list: \n {to-json(@dsUALosses.map(*<Name>))} \n into a JSON dictionary.",
    e => llm-configuration('chatgpt', model => 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613', max-tokens => 2000), 
    form => sub-parser('JSON'):drop

{Cherkask => Cherkasy Oblast, Chernigov => Chernihiv Oblast, Chernivtsi => Chernivtsi Oblast, Dnipropetrovsk => Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Donetsk => Donetsk Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk => Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Kharkiv => Kharkiv Oblast, Kherson => Kherson Oblast, Khmelnytskyi => Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Kirovohrad => Kirovohrad Oblast, Kyyivska => Kyiv Oblast, Luhansk => Luhansk Oblast, Lviv => Lviv Oblast, Mykolayivsk => Mykolaiv Oblast, Odesa => Odesa Oblast, Poltava => Poltava Oblast, Rivne => Rivne Oblast, Sumy => Sumy Oblast, Ternopil => Ternopil Oblast, Vinnica => Vinnytsia Oblast, Volyn => Volyn Oblast, Zakarpattia => Zakarpattia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia => Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zhitomir => Zhytomyr Oblast}

Here we fill-in the stencil with the casualties numbers:

my %uaLocCas = %uaLoc.map({ $_.key => [$_.value, %uaOblastCas{ %uaOblastNames{$_.value} } // 0] })

{1 1 => [Volyn 1697], 1 2 => [Rivne 1890], 1 5 => [Chernigov 1585], 1 6 => [Sumy 1554], 2 3 => [Zhitomir 2378], 2 4 => [Kyyivska 2643], 3 1 => [Lviv 2865], 3 2 => [Ternopil 1123], 3 3 => [Khmelnytskyi 1921], 3 5 => [Cherkask 1671], 3 6 => [Poltava 1891], 3 7 => [Kharkiv 1807], 4 1 => [Ivano-Frankivsk 1564], 4 3 => [Vinnica 2871], 4 8 => [Luhansk 383], 5 1 => [Zakarpattia 842], 5 2 => [Chernivtsi 1033], 5 5 => [Kirovohrad 1975], 5 6 => [Dnipropetrovsk 3930], 5 7 => [Donetsk 977], 6 5 => [Mykolayivsk 1269], 6 6 => [Zaporizhzhia 792], 7 4 => [Odesa 1831], 7 6 => [Kherson 570]}

Here we convert the hash-map into a dataset (suitable for displaying with “JavaScript::D3”):

my @dsUA3D = %uaLocCas.map({ <y x z label>.Array Z=> [ |$_.key.split(/\h/)>>.Int, $_.value[1], $_.value ].flat })>>.Hash;
say @dsUA3D.elems;
say deduce-type(@dsUA3D);

Vector(Struct([label, x, y, z], [Array, Int, Int, Int]), 24)

As with the Russian casualties heatmap plot above, here we transform the Ukrainian losses dataset to have:

  • Two-row labels
  • Casualty values that are suitably rescaled for more informative visualization
my @dsUA3D2 = @dsUA3D>>.clone.map({ $_<z> = sqrt($_<z>); $_<y> = 12 - $_<y>; $_<label> = "<tspan>{$_<label>.head}</tspan><tspan dx='-{$_<label>.head.chars/2}em', dy='1em'>{$_<label>.tail}</tspan>"; $_ });


Here we make the heatmap plot:

js-d3-heatmap-plot(@dsUA3D2, width => 1000, height => 600,
    x-tick-labels => (1..8),
    plot-labels-font-size => 12,
    plot-labels-color => 'white', 
    color-palette => 'Reds', 
    background => "#282828", 
    tick-labels-font-size => 0,
    low-value => 0,
    high-value => sqrt(1800),
    mesh => 0.01

Observation and conclusions

In this section we give several groups of observation and conclusions that came out doing the presented data scraping and plot making.


  • Suitable Geo-data for the choropleth stencils have to be obtained and tweaked.
  • Russia
    • The initial values for the choropleth coordinates were derived via AI Vision.
    • Review and manual adjustment was (of course) required.
    • Since the total number of administration districts is 85, having a set of initial values sped up the final stencil derivation.
  • Ukraine
    • The choropleth stencil coordinates were derived from a Geo plot using Mathematica.
    • Compared to UALosses, Mathematica uses slightly different names of the Ukrainian administrative divisions (or regions.)
  • The choropleth stencils could be automatically derived from the actual geometric centers of the administrative divisions, but it seemed easier and less error-prone to make those stencils manually.

Data scraping

  • AI Vision can be effectively used to get data from images in Web pages or other types of documents. See [AA1-AA4] for more details.
  • LLMs can be used to convert data elements — like tables — of Web pages into programming data structures (that suitable in further computations.)
    • The data conversions we did using LLMs are done “through JSON”, because:
    • JSON is a popular well represented data format in LLMs training data
    • Raku has good JSON-to-Raku and Raku-to-JSON converters.
  • Small discrepancies or errors from data scraping procedures can be smoothed, detected, or eliminated using LLMs.

Heatmap plots

  • The heatmap plot function js-d3-heatmap-plot of “JavaScript:D3” allows:
    • Use of sparse data
    • Rectangles with labels
    • Different color palettes for the values of the rectangles
    • Tunable fonts and colors for axis labels and plot labels
  • In order to have two-row labels in the rectangles special HTML-spec has to be used.



[AA1] Anton Antonov, “AI vision via Raku” , (2023), RakuForPrediction at WordPress .

[AA2] Anton Antonov, “AI vision via Wolfram Language” , (2023), Wolfram Community .

[AA3] Anton Antonov, “Day 24 – Streamlining AI vision workflows” , (2023), RakuAdventCalendar at WordPress .

[AA4] Anton Antonov, “Extracting Russian casualties in Ukraine data from Mediazona publications” , (2023), MathematicaForPrediction at WordPress .

[MZ1] Mediazona, Russian casualties in Ukraine , (2022-2024).

[UAL1] UALosses, Ukrainian losses , (2023-2024).

Packages, repositories

[AAp1] Anton Antonov, WWW::OpenAI Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube .

[AAp2] Anton Antonov, LLM::Functions Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube .

[AAp3] Anton Antonov, LLM::Prompts Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube .

[AAp4] Anton Antonov, Jupyter::Chatbook Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube .

[AAp5] Anton Antonov, Image::Markup::Utilities Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube .

[AAp6] Anton Antonov, Text::SubParsers Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube .

[AAp7] Anton Antonov, Data::TypeSystem Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube .

[AAp8] Anton Antonov, JavaScript::D3 Raku package, (2022-2023), GitHub/antononcube .

[AAp9] Anton Antonov, Data::Translators Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube .

[AAr1] Anton Antonov, SystemModeling at GitHub , (2020-2024), GitHub/antononcube .


[AAv1] Anton Antonov, “The Raku-ju hijack hack for D3.js” , (2022), YouTube/@AAA4Prediction .

[AAv2] Anton Antonov, “Random mandalas generation (with D3.js via Raku)” , (2022), YouTube/@AAA4Prediction .

[AAv3] Anton Antonov, “Integrating Large Language Models with Raku” , (2023), YouTube/@therakuconference6823 .