Wisdom of “Integrating Large Language Models with Raku”


This post applies various Large Language Model (LLM) summarization prompts to the transcript of The Raku Conference 2023 (TRC-2023) presentation “Integrating Large Language Models with Raku” hosted by the YouTube channel The Raku Conference.

In the presentation, Anton Antonov presents “Integrating Large Language Models with Raku,” demonstrating functionalities in Visual Studio Code using a Raku Chatbook. The presentation explores using OpenAI, PaLM (Google’s large language model), and DALL-E (image generation service) through Raku, showcasing dynamic interaction with large language models, embedding them in notebooks, and generating code and markdown outputs.

Remark: The LLM results below were obtained from the “raw” transcript, which did not have punctuation.

Remark: The transcription software had problems parsing the names of the participants. Some of the names were manually corrected.

Remark: The applied “main” LLM prompt — “ExtractingArticleWisdom” — is a modified version of a prompt (or pattern) with a similar name from “fabric”, [DMr1].

Remark: The themes table was LLM obtained with the prompt “ThemeTableJSON”.

Remark: The content of this post was generated with the computational Markdown file “LLM-content-breakdown-template.md”, which was executed (or woven) by the CLI script file-code-chunks-eval of “Text::CodeProcessing”, [AAp7]..

Post’s structure:

  1. Themes
    Instead of a summary.
  2. Mind-maps
    An even better summary replacement!
  3. Summary, ideas, and recommendations
    The main course.


Instead of a summary consider this table of themes:

IntroductionAnton Antonov introduces the presentation on integrating large language models with Raku and begins with a demonstration in Visual Studio Code.
DemonstrationDemonstrates using Raku chatbook in Jupyter Notebook to interact with OpenAI, PaLM, and DALL-E services for various tasks like querying information and generating images.
Direct Access vs. Chat ObjectsDiscusses the difference between direct access to web APIs and using chat objects for dynamic interaction with large language models.
Translation and Code GenerationShows how to translate text and generate Raku code for solving mathematical problems using chat objects.
Motivation for Integrating Raku with Large Language ModelsExplains the need for dynamic interaction between Raku and large language models, including notebook solutions and facilitating interaction.
Technical Details and PackagesDetails the packages developed for interacting with large language models and the functionalities required for the integration.
Use CasesDescribes various use cases like template engine functionalities, embeddings, and generating documentation from tests using large language models.
Literate Programming and Markdown TemplatesIntroduces computational markdown for generating documentation and the use of Markdown templates for creating structured documents.
Generating Tests and DocumentationDiscusses generating package documentation from tests and conversing between chat objects for training purposes.
Large Language Model WorkflowsCovers workflows for utilizing large language models, including ‘Too Long Didn’t Read’ documentation utilization.
Comparison with Python and MathematicaCompares the implementation of functionalities in Raku with Python and Mathematica, highlighting the ease of extending the Jupyter framework for Python.
Q&A SessionAnton answers questions about extending the Jupyter kernel and other potential limitations or features that could be integrated.


Here is a mind-map showing presentation’s structure:

Here is a mind-map summarizing the main LLMs part of the talk:

Summary, ideas, and recommendations


Anton Antonov presents “Integrating Large Language Models with Raku,” demonstrating functionalities in Visual Studio Code using a Raku chatbook. The presentation explores using OpenAI, PaLM (Google’s large language model), and DALL-E (image generation service) through Raku, showcasing dynamic interaction with large language models, embedding them in notebooks, and generating code and markdown outputs.


  • Integrating large language models with programming languages can enhance dynamic interaction and facilitate complex tasks.
  • Utilizing Jupiter notebooks with Raku chatbook kernels allows for versatile programming and data analysis.
  • Direct access to web APIs like OpenAI and PaLM can streamline the use of large language models in software development.
  • The ability to automatically format outputs into markdown or plain text enhances the readability and usability of generated content.
  • Embedding image generation services within programming notebooks can enrich content and aid in visual learning.
  • Creating chat objects within notebooks can simulate interactive dialogues, providing a unique approach to user input and command execution.
  • The use of prompt expansion and a database of prompts can significantly improve the efficiency of generating content with large language models.
  • Implementing literate programming techniques can facilitate the generation of comprehensive documentation and tutorials.
  • The development of computational markdown allows for the seamless integration of code and narrative, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Utilizing large language models for generating test descriptions and documentation can streamline the development process.
  • The concept of “few-shot learning” with large language models can be applied to generate specific outputs based on minimal input examples.
  • Leveraging large language models for semantic analysis and recommendation systems can offer significant advancements in text analysis.
  • The ability to translate natural language commands into programming commands can simplify complex tasks for developers.
  • Integrating language models for entity recognition and data extraction from text can enhance data analysis and information retrieval.
  • The development of frameworks for extending programming languages with large language model functionalities can foster innovation.
  • The use of large language models in generating code for solving mathematical equations demonstrates the potential for automating complex problem-solving.
  • The exploration of generating dialogues between chat objects presents new possibilities for creating interactive and dynamic content.
  • The application of large language models in generating package documentation from tests highlights the potential for improving software documentation practices.
  • The integration of language models with programming languages like Raku showcases the potential for enhancing programming environments with AI capabilities.
  • The demonstration of embedding services like image generation and language translation within programming notebooks opens new avenues for creative and technical content creation.
  • The discussion on the limitations and challenges of integrating large language models with programming environments provides insights into future development directions.


  • “Integrating large language models with Raku allows for dynamic interaction and enhanced functionalities within notebooks.”
  • “Direct access to web APIs streamlines the use of large language models in software development.”
  • “Automatically formatting outputs into markdown or plain text enhances the readability and usability of generated content.”
  • “Creating chat objects within notebooks provides a unique approach to interactive dialogues and command execution.”
  • “The use of prompt expansion and a database of prompts can significantly improve efficiency in content generation.”
  • “Literate programming techniques facilitate the generation of comprehensive documentation and tutorials.”
  • “Computational markdown allows for seamless integration of code and narrative, enhancing the learning experience.”
  • “Few-shot learning with large language models can generate specific outputs based on minimal input examples.”
  • “Leveraging large language models for semantic analysis and recommendation systems offers significant advancements in text analysis.”
  • “Translating natural language commands into programming commands simplifies complex tasks for developers.”


  • Utilizing Visual Studio Code for programming and data analysis.
  • Embedding large language models within programming notebooks for dynamic interaction.
  • Automatically formatting outputs to enhance readability and usability.
  • Creating and utilizing chat objects for interactive programming.
  • Employing prompt expansion and maintaining a database of prompts for efficient content generation.
  • Implementing literate programming techniques for documentation and tutorials.
  • Developing and using computational markdown for integrated code and narrative.
  • Applying few-shot learning techniques with large language models for specific outputs.
  • Leveraging large language models for semantic analysis and recommendation systems.
  • Translating natural language commands into programming commands to simplify tasks.


  • Raku chatbook kernels in Jupiter notebooks allow for versatile programming and data analysis.
  • OpenAI, PaLM, and DALL-E are utilized for accessing large language models and image generation services.
  • Large language models can automatically format outputs into markdown or plain text.
  • Chat objects within notebooks can simulate interactive dialogues and command execution.
  • A database of prompts improves the efficiency of generating content with large language models.
  • Computational markdown integrates code and narrative, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Large language models can generate code for solving mathematical equations and other complex tasks.
  • The integration of large language models with programming languages like Raku enhances programming environments.
  • Embedding services like image generation and language translation within programming notebooks is possible.
  • The presentation explores the potential for automating complex problem-solving with AI.



  • Explore integrating large language models with programming languages for enhanced functionalities.
  • Utilize Jupiter notebooks with Raku chatbook kernels for versatile programming tasks.
  • Take advantage of direct access to web APIs for streamlined software development.
  • Employ automatic formatting of outputs for improved readability and usability.
  • Create and utilize chat objects within notebooks for interactive programming experiences.
  • Implement literate programming techniques for comprehensive documentation and tutorials.
  • Develop computational markdown for an integrated code and narrative learning experience.
  • Apply few-shot learning techniques with large language models for generating specific outputs.
  • Leverage large language models for advanced text analysis and recommendation systems.
  • Translate natural language commands into programming commands to simplify complex tasks.



[AA1] Anton Antonov, “Workflows with LLM functions”, (2023), RakuForPrediction at WordPress.

[AA2] Anton Antonov, “Day 21 – Using DALL-E models in Raku”, (2023), Raku Advent Calendar at WordPress.

Packages, repositories

[AAp1] Anton Antonov, Jupyter::Chatbook Raku package, (2023-2024), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp2] Anton Antonov, LLM::Functions Raku package, (2023-2024), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp3] Anton Antonov, LLM::Prompts Raku package, (2023-2024), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp4] Anton Antonov, WWW::OpenAI Raku package, (2023-2024), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp5] Anton Antonov, WWW::PaLM Raku package, (2023-2024), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp6] Anton Antonov, WWW::Gemini Raku package, (2024), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp7] Anton Antonov, Text::CodeProcessing Raku package, (2021-2023), GitHub/antononcube.

[DMr1] Daniel Miessler, “fabric”, (2023-2024), GitHub/danielmiessler.


[AAv1] Anton Antonov, “Integrating Large Language Models with Raku” (2023), The Raku Conference at YouTube.

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